Thursday, October 23, 2014

Math Madness

We have moved into our decimal unit and are just finishing up the first quarter of it.  It has been a tricky switch for us even though decimals and fractions are related.  We used secret code cards this week to see the connections.

Study of the Moon

We have been learning about the phases of the moon.  We practiced measuring the size and direction of our shadows as a tool for learning more about the moon.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Intro to Decimals VIDEO. We watched this together today in math as a start to our new lesson.

This week...

We have a big week this week in fifth grade!  We are finishing up our personal narratives and celebrating our writing of those together. We will look these over together at conferences so we can see the progress from the beginning to the end of the unit.  We will be starting our next writing unit with learning literary essay writing. We were introduced to the literary essays last year in fourth grade. We also have our unit 1 math assessment and will be starting unit 2 in math.  The assessments will be sent home later this week or early next week and will also be used on the report card for grading the fraction unit. Unit 2 for us in math is decimals and place value.  Watch for the family letter to come home explaining this unit in detail.  Hang on to the letter in case questions arise with the homework throughout the unit.  I will try to send home some explanation of the homework as much as possible and get the kids started on it in class to help with any of the confusion.  We are also done with the "Reading with Power" which was our first reading unit and are moving on to "Insight into Characters" next.  We will continue reading fiction books.  Thanks for all of your continued support from home.  We would really love and appreciate any donations of sticky notes to mark our thoughts in our books while reading, Lysol wipes, or Kleenex if you would be so kind.  THANKS!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Message from your Science Teacher.........

Mrs. Ackerson sent me this email.........

Lunar Eclipse tomorrow - 

Look toward the west..  The partial eclipse should start about 5:15 5:15.  Binoculars will help!

Math Fact Focus....

This week we are shifting gears and working through most of the fraction word problem homework in class.  At home, I would like your child to practice their math fact fluency.  Have them complete each of the exercises sent home and write how long it took them on each one for us to help build some fluency with those facts   THANKS!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Math Game for Benchmark Fractions....

Fractions - go to the fraction section and then choose the  number line and then the letter K for the estimation.